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“AI” is the buzzword of the day — from generative AI tools like ChatGPT to AI-powered laptops and phones to even AI-enabled washing machines, the term is everywhere.

But do consumers actually understand what it means, and do they even want all these AI products?

In June 2024, Future conducted a study to learn more about how everyday consumers perceive AI, the benefits they seek, and the barriers they face, uncovering key insights and strategic opportunities for tech companies on how best to engage and educate this growing market.

Survey respondents reflected a nationally representative sample of the U.S., with three additional key segments identified:
  • Future readers (readers who had visited/read a Future website or magazine in the last three months)
  • Tech Geeks (respondents who selected the answer "I am passionate about technology — a tech geek" when asked to describe their interest in tech)
  • Zillennials (a combined group of Gen-Zers and Millennials)

What we found in the results were positive sentiment and deep interest, but also lingering confusion and concerns about one of the most transformative technology advancements in recent years.
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Currently, consumers are not prioritizing AI when considering factors that would encourage them to buy a new tech product. Manufacturer (i.e. Apple, Samsung) ranks first followed by price and operating system.

In fact, AI was ranked last amongst general consumers.

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The good news is that no matter the consumer category or demographic, consumers are not bored by the idea of AI. A solid number are concerned but for most AI is interesting, futuristic, and cool.

They're also, however, recognizing that AI comes with a cost and so one in four associated such products with the word "expensive." That same cohort also views such products as concerning, which may relate to ongoing worries about data privacy or even too-powerful AI.

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While companies spin up their AI-enabled product plans, consumer interest is in flux. Just over half (53%) of respondents said they’d be more likely to buy a product advertised as “AI-enabled.”.

On the flip side, 30% said they might be less likely to buy such a product. This may come down to education. It’s a fair bet that the consumers who are rejecting AI out of hand have no idea how it works or how it could positively impact their lives.

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AI development is moving so rapidly that most consumers have a hard time grasping current concepts, especially ones that may change in a few months. Perhaps that’s why more than half of our survey respondents believe that AI currently has no impact on their lives or is actually detrimental to it.

However, the percentage of respondents who believe AI will be positively impacting their lives five years from now jumps up to 60%, signaling optimism for the future and recognition of AI’s potential.

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Our survey reveals a strong awareness of a handful of AI programs, with 78% of respondents having heard of popular AI applications like Chat GPT. However, actual usage lags behind, indicating an opportunity for increased engagement and education to convert awareness into practical use.

On average, a third of respondents have heard of an AI program, but haven’t used one.

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The results of our survey highlight a generally positive perception of AI, with a significant majority recognizing the benefits of AI-powered tech for efficiency and enhanced functionality.

However, privacy concerns and a lack of understanding remain key barriers to adoption. Many consumers are interested in more information about AI, trusting professional publisher websites and tech experts as sources of learning.

Fill out the form to download the full report, and reach out to [email protected] to learn more about how Future’s suite of advertising solutions can make a difference for you.

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